Snowflake Admin Series: Organization 2.0

In this blog we are going to discuss further enhancement in Snowflake Organization area. These topics describe the administrative concepts and tasks associated with managing your organization in Snowflake. If you missed my previous article on Organization than you can read it now here

What are the new enhancement ?

Earlier you have to reach out to Snowflake support team if you want to fulfill any of the activity listed below, but now Snowflake has enhanced the customer experience by slowly reducing the dependency and empowering the admin community to take the lead in this area responsibly.

  1. Renaming Snowflake Account in your Organization.
  2. Dropping Snowflake Account in your Organization.
  3. Restoring Snowflake Account in your Organization.
  4. Fetch Organization Name using native function.

How to enable Organization Admin role for your account?

By default, the first account in your organization has ORGADMIN role enabled. As recommended by Snowflake to keep this role intact/enabled for one account only in your organization.

But in case you have such requirement to get this enabled to other account or to multiple account, then you are allowed to do so via Snowflake Support route. You just need to raise a Snowflake support request with required information for which account you are planning enable ORGADMIN role and that's all, sat back, and it will be done to the best of support guy's capacity.

Below is the sample support case for enabling ORGADMIN role:

Alternatively, snowflake has also released a feature which enables you to activate the ORGADMIN role by altering your account. See below code snippet.

USE ROLE orgadmin;


How to create a Snowflake account?

I already had a video on this topic which can help you with that and more.

How to rename a Snowflake Account?

In the demo, I had used SQL script in Snowsight Web UI to showcase how you can rename a Snowflake account. At the moment I don't see this feature has been enabled in Snowsight Web UI.

How to drop a Snowflake Account?

In the demo, I had used SQL script in Snowsight Web UI to showcase how you can drop a Snowflake account. At the moment I don’t see this feature has been enabled in Snowsight Snowsight Web UI.

How to restore a Snowflake Account?

In the demo, I had used SQL script in Snowsight Web UI to showcase how you can restore a Snowflake account. At the moment I don’t see this feature has been enabled in Snowsight Web UI.

How to get a Snowflake Organization Name?

In the demo, I had used SQL script in Snowsight Web UI to showcase how you can get a Snowflake Organization name using Snowflake native function.

Things to remember:

  1. Once you drop your account it's a soft delete of the account and not a hard drop. Your account can still be restored till you are covered under grace period which you provided during account drop.
  2. Grace period range between 3 days to 90 days which don't include the day you actioned the drop i.e. current day.
  3. Since it's soft delete, till grace period, you can’t create new account with same name. Alternatively, you can rename the account with something new name before dropping can enable you to create the new account with same name if that’s the requirement.
  4. Until your account is permanently dropped, you still pay for all storage that account is using.
  5. By default, you can create 25 account for an Organization unless your Organization is tagged with capacity contract which will enable you to create 100 account per Organization.
  6. You can only create an account in a region that is enabled for your organization. For a list of available regions, see Viewing a List of Regions Available for an Organization. To request access to additional regions, contact Snowflake Support.

Hope this blog helps you to get insight into the Snowflake Organization enhanced feature. If you are interested in learning more details about Snowflake Organization, you can refer to Snowflake documentation. Feel free to ask a question in the comment section if you have any doubts regarding this. Give a clap if you like the blog. Stay connected to see many more such cool stuff. Thanks for your support.

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